How do we want to be remembered by our successors? This question triggered the idea of preservation in a time capsule and thus, enCAPSULE was born. enCAPSULE aims to preserve human culture through the recontextualisation of everyday items in the form of contemporary fashion accessories.

By Dominikus Devon Khusuma, Hilda Nikita Yusman, Natasha Tjandradinata, Sophia Ivana Satya

Art Direction: Hilda Nikita Yusman
Photography/Videography: Dominikus Devon Khusuma
Styling: Hilda Nikita Yusman
Hair and Makeup: Adeline Biancha Gunawan
Model: Michelle Sutanto
Actors: Yohan Ardikusuma (Father),
Hilda Nikita Yusman (Mother),
Sophia Ivana Satya (Rani),
Dominikus Devon Khusuma (Soldier 1),
Reyhan Faustino (Soldier 2),
Moe (Soldier 3)
Clothes :Kebaya; Selendang by Sejauh Mata Memandang Accessories by enCAPSULE
Music: Ati Bolong by Hara


How do we want to be remembered by our successors? This question triggered the idea of preservation in a time capsule and thus, enCAPSULE was born. enCAPSULE aims to preserve human culture through the recontextualisation of everyday items in the form of contemporary fashion accessories.